Kathy Norris

About Kathy Norris

Painting is my passion. As a youngster, I drew on anything that did not move from sidewalks to notepads, to the covers of my books. But it was not until just a few years ago after selling real estate for many years that I was privileged to take the time to begin to paint. A friend of mine was taking painting lessons and as a lark I decided to attend the class. The minute I asked the teacher to move her brush across my canvas, I was hooked. My teacher and mentor Candy McManus set me on my road of discovery. She taught me there was nothing I could not do with practice and perseverance. I love this wonderful artist and friend. Since then I have been studying under some wonderful teachers: Karen Margulis for pastels, Nikki Davidson for oil and drawing, Kristopher Meadows, Shane McDonald and Melissa Snyder for oils, Bill Needs for drawing, and workshops with Ken Wallin, Christopher Groves, and Janet Powers. I so hope you enjoy my work. Come visit here often and enjoy the journey with me!

Always with imagination,

Kathy Norris

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